Brittany Hernandez, Customer Service Specialist

Hometown: Piedmont, OK

What I love about my job: I love hearing about a bride's specific love story. How they met their fiancé, things they like to do together. It's also so fun to see a bride's face light up when talking about their fiancé. I love love!  

Favorite bridal gown designer: Galia Lahav - I love all the sparkle. They really push the bridal boundaries. 

Favorite bridal trend: Gloves!! So chic!

How I spend my free time: I love going to concerts but also love chilling at home. 

Favorite TV show: Reality TV has my heart - Bachelor Nation, Kardashians, and any competition show just to name a few. 

Drink of choice: Frozen Margarita please! 

Advice to brides: Don't overthink it and trust yourself! I know it's easier said than done but if you just pay attention to your gut feeling then you've got this!