Megan Kalan, Senior Stylist

Hometown: Denver, Colorado

What I love about my job: Nothing beats the look on a bride’s face when she realizes she’s in the gown she’ll get married in; the confidence, the excitement, and most importantly, the pure joy - it’s such an honor to be a witness to that moment!

Favorite bridal gown designer: I absolutely love that each of our designers has a truly unique point of view and execute it expertly. Right now, my personal favorite is Monique Lhuillier- her ability to create stunning, romantic gowns each having her own personality while being singularly unique is exceptional!

Favorite bridal trend: Bring on the drama! Brides are less afraid of being bold, whether that be the gown plays with volume, color, texture, etc. I love that brides (and designers) are leaning in to details and taking it up a notch...or several ;)

How I spend my free time: Snuggling up with a good book.

Favorite TV show: Comfort show - The Office. New and exciting: House of the Dragon.

Drink of choice: AM- strong coffee. PM to wind down or celebrate- red wine.

My advice to brides: Be ready to find your gown! The gown finds you as much as you find the gown, and, just like love, you can find it when you least expect it!