Kendra Iringan, Stylist

Hometown: Denver, CO

What I love about my job: Working with Brides and their families! It is such an honor; you become a part of their love story. In the short time you have a with them, there’s laughter, tears, and relationships built. You are helping them find an article of clothing that is a representation of their authentic, elevated self.

Favorite bridal gown designer: The artistry, pops of color, romance, and timeless silhouettes of Savin London really speak to the artist in me. Every time I see a bride in a Savin London gown, they truly become a walking piece of art.

Favorite bridal trend: I am here for color and personalized details! Brides are seeing their wedding day as an opportunity to use fashion to express themselves AND their love stories. What better way to do that than with pops of color in their gown or their vows embroidered on a veil?

How I spend my free time: When I’m not running around outside with my husband and two Mini Aussies-you’ll find me thrifting, obsessing over my plants, or hanging out with my Dad.

Favorite TV show: Law and Order (any and all of the spinoffs)

Drink of choice: Love an ice-cold Blue Moon at the end of the day.

Advice to brides: When you’re trying to decide between two or three top dresses-a great question to ask yourself is: “If someone were to take away one of these dresses as an option: which one would break my heart the most to not have?”