Molly Forke, Manager

Hometown: Lincoln, Nebraska

What I love about my job: Seeing a bride’s face once she’s realized she has found her dress!

Favorite bridal gown designer: Savin London is my new favorite! He has something for every bride, amazing customization options, and amazingly unique fabrics.

Favorite bridal trend: I love options! Whether it’s detachable sleeves, overskirts, a dramatic veil, or a cape, there are so many ways to have more than one look.

How I spend my free time: I love to garden, cook, travel, and spend time with my family in Wyoming. I also spend an unhealthy amount of time obsessing over my cat, Frank.

Favorite TV show: Below Deck and all kinds of documentaries.

Drink of choice: Red Wine or Old Fashioned.

My favorite tip or advice to give to brides: I find myself telling brides, “You know when you know”. If you fall in love with something you never thought you would have, that’s ok! If you fall in love with the first dress you try on, that’s ok! Go with your gut!